Our Target Area
Our target area is a strip of Route 1 about 8 linear miles long reaching from the Richmond City /Chesterfield line on the north to BrightPoint Community College and Greenleigh Mobile Home Park on the South, the James River on our East, and the CSX Railroad to our west. As of 2018, about 20,000 people lived in our target area.
Links to Important information
Media coverage of revitalization efforts on Route 1
- Proposal for an agrihood to be built in Bensley. Chesterfield Observer article by Don Harrison. (February, 2023)
- Proposed development at Willis Road and Route 1. Chesterfield Observer article written by Jim McConnell. (Kim is quoted) (2021)
- Success of Route 1 Bus route in Chesterfield inspiring a second bus route in Chesterfield. Article by Wyatt Gordon (April, 2022)
- Name change from Jefferson Davis Highway to Route 1. WRIC news report. (June, 2021)
- Bus service on Route 1. Chesterfield Observer article by Jim McConnell (March, 2021)
- Signs of Revitalization along Route 1. WTVR news video by Shelby Brown (October, 2019) (Kim is quoted)
- Sign ordinance article by Jim McConnell (July, 2019) (Kim is quoted)
- Our most vulnerable citizens need to be considered when pursing redevelopment. Chesterfield Observer article by Jim McConnell (Kim is quoted) (2018)
- Hope of revitalization on Route 1. Article in RVAmag by Wyatt Gordon. (June, 2018) (Kim is quoted) (2018):
- Times Dispatch article by Vanessa Remmers (Kim is quoted)
- Grass roots advocacy for public transit on Route 1. Chesterfield Observer article by Rich Griset. (Kim is quoted) (December, 2016)
Links to information relating to Route 1
- Chesterfield Citizen Information and Resources
- Fall Line Trail (Biking and Walking Trail):
- Video overview – Route 1 Special Area Plan
- Route 1 Entire Special Area Plan PDF
- Rehabilitation Tax Exemptions and Incentives
- Lead Based Paint Hazard Control Program for Residences
- Opportunity Zone (Bellwood)
- Technology Zone
- Chesterfield Department of Community Enhancement
- Economic Impact of proposed park improvements Study (2019) Economic Impact of proposed park improvements Study (2019)
- Market Analysis of Route 1 (2019)
Other ROAR Videos
Local Projects / Collaborative Efforts
- Route One In Bloom
Route One In Bloom Community effort to beautify Route 1 beginning Spring, 2023 Storefront Beautification Project. Our goal: 10-15 businesses or organizations to beautify their storefronts or entrances with blooming plants.
- Safety and Crime Prevention Coalition
Safety and Crime Prevention Coalition A group of churches and businesses and local neighborhoods working together to promote community safety and prevent crime.
- Faith Community Breakfast – Monthly
When: 3rd Thursday of each month, 8:30 am – 10:00 am
Where: A Place of Miracles Café
8820 Metro Court
North Chesterfield, VA 23237RSVP to Kim Marble: kim@route1roar.org